What is Bartholin's Abscess?
Bartholin's abscess is an abscess on the Bartholin gland. Each woman has two Bartholin glands. They are located at the entrance of the vagina. One gland is located on each side of the vagina.
When one or both of the Bartholin glands become infected, Bartholin abscess occurs. If the opening to the Bartholin glands becomes blocked, and abscess results.
An abscess is a localized formation of pus in a cavity. It is often caused by a bacterial infection.
Symptoms of Bartholin's Abscess
The most common symptoms of Bartholin's abscess are:
* hot, tender swollen lump in the labia majora
* fever
* painful and sensitive vagina
* pain with sexual intercourse
What Causes Bartholin's Abscess?
The most common causes of Bartholin's abscess are:
* E. coli bacteria in the vagina
* gonococcus (organism that causes gonorrhea) in the vagina
* staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the vagina
* streptococcus bacteria (organism that causes strep throat) in the vagina
How is Bartholin's Abscess diagnosed?
Bartholin's abscess can be diagnosed via a pelvic exam, a test for STDs and an examination of a lump in your vagina.
Complications of Bartholin's Abscess
If Bartholin's abscess is not treated properly, a cyst may form on the Bartholin's gland. If a cyst forms, the cyst will need to be removed.
In women over the age of 40, an enlarged Bartholin's gland may signal an underlying tumor in the gland, although this is very rare.
Treatment options for Bartholin's Abscess
Some of the most common treatments are:
* draining of the abscess
* antibiotics to combat infection
Your doctor may recommend that the glands be removed if abscesses recur.
How can Bartholin's Abscess be prevented?
Methods of preventing Bartholin's Abscess are:
* practice safe sex
* have good personal hygiene
Call your doctor...
If you believe you have Bartholin's Abscess, call your doctor treatment is necessary to prevent complications.
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